Thursday, October 6, 2011

Leaving on a Jet Plane

So the journey begins...our group has arrived in D.C. After a super short flight from Greenville. I am so excited for what this journey has in store, especially with all the build up of 6 weeks of classes and a summer long GIS tutorial. I can already feel how much I am going to miss everyone over the next 2.5 months, but everyone in my life has been so encouraging and I will take full advantage of this amazing opportunity. This is the first time I will be witnessing poverty on a large scale and I know it is going to be difficult to process but I will come away with an perspective of the world that is closer to the truth. I hope that in the end I will be able to find my place in this huge and complex society we live in.

We head out around 3:30 today on the 9 hour flight to Frankfurt, Germany. Hopefully I will have enough to keep myself busy on the plane; I think Stephen has enough movies on my iPad to last us for like 3 trans-Atlantic flights. I will hopefully be able to find some wifi in Germany to give everyone an update. Until then...

Stay classy.

Location:Washington D.C.

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