Thursday, October 20, 2011

Pondicherry Trip- Art and Cobras

We have left MCC on a six day trip to the south near Pondicherry and so far it has been really fun! After driving for an hour we reached Dakshina Chitra. This is a non profit that aims to preserve art and architecture in south India, since much of it is being destroyed by urbanization. They have a model town that has different buildings from different states all over the south. Inside each house is representative art work from each region. After spending the morning here we continued o. Our journey southward to a crocodile zoo that had all kinds of reptiles from all over the globe. The main attraction was the venomous snake exhibit. There was two snake handlers that showed our group the four venomous snakes of India, the cobra, russels viper, sawtooth viper, and krait. The snake handlers were super sketchy considering they were in a big pit with extremely dangerous snakes and one was in sandals. Also one of our students was coaxed into holding the sawtooth viper in her hand by the handler... After we got tired of hanging out with all of the crocodiles we hopped back in the bus to head to the hotel.
This hotel was AMAZING! It had a huge swimming pool and was right on the coast. We spent the remainder of the afternoon chilling out by the pool and swimming in the Bay of Bengal. Here are some pictures from the highlights of the day!

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